Singleness miscellaneous

In this post I’m going to be all over the place, hence the odd title. 🙂

For single gals out there I would like to recommend a good book on our topic of singleness. The book is called “Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye? Trusting God with a Hope Deferred” by Carolyn McCulley (Crossway). I’ve read the book twice and I can highly recommend it. This book is biblically saturated, hope giving and it offers wise counsel.

Next I would like to share some life management tips for singles. These are ways that help me and I’ve only learned them by God’s grace and through passing of time. I hope you will find some insight and encouragement by them!

Tips for life management for single ladies (and for single guys too, why not)

1. What I’ve found extremely helpful in my own life is not to focus too much on my singleness. Being single or being married isn’t all of our identity. We are also daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, relatives, aunts, uncles, co-workers, friends, ministry workers and the list goes on. Being single isn’t our only and definitely not defining title. It’s helpful to me not to pour all my energy to singleness, relationship books, prayers for my future husband and discussions about guys and girls, weddings and so on. It’s helpful to me to view singleness only as one part of my life and not making it the primary focus of my life after God.

2. Getting busy helps me keep on going. And no, I’m not talking about busyness that you create to forget your miserable state of singleness. I’m talking about busy life that doesn’t wait for a spouse to come in order to start. Ask and seek the Lord in prayer and through Bible reading how He might use your singleness for His glory. Get an education. Get a job. Learn to manage household and money. Learn to cook and bake. Start a home Bible study group or a prayer group. Go to Bible college. Start serving in your home church at some capacity. Go to evangelize. Dig in to Bible study and prayer and spend a lot of time in the church. Visit some other church. We have so many possibilities to live for God as single people!

3. Give thanks to God for the blessings of singleness. In case you thought marriage has all the blessings I’ve made a short list to get you started with thanking God for singleness:

– Freedom

– As a single you’re mainly responsible only for yourself

– You can freely choose what to cook and how to decorate your apartment

– You have all the time in the world to invest to God’s Kingdom and mature in your faith

And for those who aren’t single moms or who don’t have children:

– You don’t need to wake up in the middle of the night just for the baby

– You don’t need to change poop diapers

– You don’t always need to share your time with someone else

– You can mostly enjoy meals and drinks without interruptions

Don’t get me wrong. I keep marriage in high honor (Hebrews 13:4) and I love children. This list is only for the purpose of seeing how many blessings there are in singleness and this is by no means an exhaustive list. What makes you thankful for singleness today?

This post will end my series on singleness. I’ll probably write more about singleness in the future but in the following posts I’m going to write on various topics so stay tuned!